
  Ⅲ.单项选择/Single choice(15分)

  31. --- Why do you suggest Guilin?

  ---I believe _______ beauty of _______ nature there will make ______ excellent impression upon the tourists.

  A. a, the, an

  B. the, the, an

  C. the, /, the

  D. the, /, an

  32. It‘s really hot ________ January in Harbin now. You‘d better take off your coat.

  A. in

  B. during

  C. for

  D. to

  33. Some famous singers live on the ________ from their record sales.

  A. salary

  B. value

  C. bill

  D. income

  34. --- So you are not spending your holiday in Wuhan this year.

  --- NO, ________.

  A. everywhere in Wuhan

  B. somewhere in Wuhan

  C. somewhere but in Wuhan

  D. anywhere but in Wuhan

  35. It is strongly suggested that measures _______ students to cheat in the exams.

  A. be taken to prevent

  B. be taken to forbid

  C. are taken to prevent

  D. are taken to forbid

  36. Whether by accident or ______, he arrived too late to help us.

  A. purpose

  B. aim

  C. design

  D. chance

  37. --I didn‘t do well in the exam. What about you?

  --I did _______ you. Maybe even worse.

  A. not better than

  B. not worse than

  C. as well as

  D. no better than

  38. ---Will you please spare me a few minutes to accept my interview now, Mr. Yang Liwei?

  ---________.But I‘ll be free this evening. Would you mind?

  A. No, I don‘t

  B. Yes, with pleasure

  C. I‘m afraid not

  D. Yes, I‘d be glad to

  39. ---_________. Your name again, please.

  ---It‘s Bell Green.

  A. I didn‘t quite catch you

  B. I couldn‘t quite catch you

  C. I don‘t hear you

  D. It‘s your name

  40. The UN should ______ the establishment of Iraqi government after the war, I think.

  A. take part in

  B. play a leading role in

  C. play a role among

  D. play an important part for


  31.D [解析]the beauty ofnature指“自然美景”,make an excelient impressi upon sb.表示“给某人留下良好的印象”。

  32.C [解析]for在此表示“对……来说”。若用in,则指一月份的哈尔滨,这与事实不符。

  33.D[解析]bill(账单,清单)显然不符合题意;value(价值)是抽象的,不能用来消费;salary(工资,薪水)是按年、月发放的,而本句的record sales并不是他们的工作;income(收入,收益),通常指一个人收入所得的钱,不仅只是工资部分。结合上下文,应该选D。

  34.D [解析]根据答语No,我们可以推断出选D。anywherebut in wuhan意为:“绝对不在武汉,肯定不在武汉”。

  35.B[解析]suggest当“建议”讲,从句应使用虚拟语气:(should)+动词原形,由此排除C,D两项;prevent的用法是prevent sb.from doing sth.,而forbid的用法是forbid sb. to do sth.,故可排除A,答案为B。

  36.C[解析]purpose常与介词on,for或with连用。aim at“针对”;by chance“偶然地”与byaccident同义。by design“蓄意地,有意地”。题意为:不知道是碰巧还是故意的,他到的太晚了,没能帮我们。故C为正确选项。

  37.D [解析]根据后面的答语“Maybe even worse.”可以推断答案应为D。no better than=as badly as,与……一样坏。

  38.C [解析]根据后面的回答可以推断杨利伟委婉地拒绝了问话人的要求,此时要用C来表达。


  40.B[解析]本句表示的意思应该是:联合国应该在伊拉克政府重建上起领导作用。play a rolein为固定搭配,意为“在……中起作用”。