

  1、……between the England (2分)

  正确答案:D. Bilabial

  2、……which of the following is a……inEnglish (2分)

  正确答案:B. [??]

  3、……there is ……so students have to (2分)


  4、……out of everone's expectation (2分)

  正确答案:C. on

  5、……she——it very well when (2分)

  正确答案:A. put

  6、……we don't……possible to master (2分)

  正确答案:D. it

  7、……the same mistkaes in the annual (2分)

  正确答案:A. His having made

  8、……i would have told him the (2分)

  正确答案:C. was

  9、……the use of the expression (2分)

  正确答案:A. quantity

  10、……which of the following is an evaluation (2分)

  正确答案:A. Initiative more

  11、……which of the following ……language (2分)

  正确答案:D. pattern practice

  12、……if a teacher shows how to do (2分)

  正确答案:B. demonstration

  13、……when a teacher asks students to discuss how (2分)

  正确答案:B.analyze the structure of the passage

  14、……which of the following practices can encourage (2分)

  正确答案:C. finding detailed information

  15、……which of the following is a display question (2分)

  正确答案:D. Whathappened to the girl at the end of the story

  16、……which of the following would a teacher encourage (2分)

  正确答案:B. to summarize a story

  17、……which of the following exercises would a teacher most (2分)

  正确答案:A. paraphrasing sentence

  18、……the advantages of pair and group (2分)

  正确答案:D. opportunities to guarantee accuracy

  19、……which of the following should a teacher avoid (2分)

  正确答案:B. Teaching words in context and giving examples.

  20、……which of the following practices is most likely to (2分)

  正确答案:A. Doing a project.

  21、……academic achievement standards (2分)


  22、……due to the change in mission (2分)


  23、……accommodate in paragraph 4 (2分)


  24、……by the author about the emotional (2分)


  25、……is likely to be the (2分)


  26、……a rite of passage (2分)

  正确答案:A. A milestone event

  27、……is true about (2分)

  正确答案:B. A woman Robin loved

  28、……has been a defining (2分)

  正确答案:C. A supporter of King Richard

  29、……mehtod is used by (2分)

  正确答案:B. Contrast and comparison

  30、……is a proper title (2分)

  正确答案:C. The figurative Robin Hood


  31、 ……三个主要作用(6分),四种活动形式(8分),三点注意事项(6分)

  正确答案:英语校内课外活动的三个主要作用:(1)英语校内课外活动是学生英语学习的重要组成部分,能为学生的语言实践和自主学习提供更大的平台。(2)英语校内课外活动有助于激发和提升学生学习英语的兴趣、丰富语感、开阔视野、增长知识、发展智力和塑造性格。(3)英语校内课外活动有助于提升学生的活动组织和管理能力。英语校内课外活动的形式:英文演讲、唱英文歌、英语角、英语墙报等。注意事项: 1.教师应根据学生的年龄特点和需求,结合当地经济文化发展实际,有计划、有组织、有创造性地开展内容丰富、形式多样、因地制宜的英语校内课外活动,如朗诵、讲故事、演短剧,以及英语校园或班级刊物等。 2.教师应注意英语校内课外活动要着重调动学生参与的积极性。要注意鼓励、动员、吸引学习困难的学生参与课外活动,为他们设计适合的活动形式和内容,使他们能够乐于参与,并通过亲身体验和实践产生学习兴趣和动力并获得成功。在活动中要给予他们耐心的指导,注意保护他们的自尊心和热情,尊重他们的参与方式,并注意因势利导。 3.教师要充分发挥学生的自主性,尊重他们的策划和选择并给予恰当的引导和辅导,要关注活动的过程,关注学生在活动中的表现,做好活动的顾问和服务工作,为他们的发展提供指导和支持。