

  1、……the soud of "ch" (2分)

  正确答案:B. vioceless,dental and fricative

  2、……/m/, /n/, and (2分)

  正确答案:C. place of articulation

  3、……she is (2分)

  正确答案:A. A transcribing

  4、……neither the unpleasant (2分)

  正确答案:C. has made 此题暂无

  5、……Mr. Joe has worked very hard (2分)

  正确答案:B. to 此题暂无

  6、……the message came to the villagers (2分)

  正确答案:C. that

  7、……we must improve the farming (2分)

  正确答案:B. in order that

  8、……do you mind if I smoke here (2分)

  正确答案:C. No, not at all

  9、……what is the main rhetoric cevice used in (2分)

  正确答案:D. Transferred epithet

  10、……A:let us go to movie (2分)

  正确答案:A. Illocutionary act

  11、……which of the following activity is NOT (2分)

  正确答案:D. pattern practice

  12、……if a teacher shows students (2分)

  正确答案:B. demonstration

  13、……when a teacher asks to (2分)

  正确答案:B. analyze the structure of the passage

  14、……which of the following practices can encourage (2分)

  正确答案:C. finding detailed information

  15、……which of the following is a dispaly (2分)

  正确答案:D. What happened to the girl at the end of the story

  16、……which of the following would a teacher encourage (2分)

  正确答案:B. to summarize a story

  17、……which of the following exercises would a teacher most (2分)

  正确答案:A. paraphrasing sentence

  18、……the advantages of pair and group (2分)

  正确答案:D. opportunities to guarantee accuracy

  19、……which of the following should a teacher avoid (2分)

  正确答案:B. Teaching words in context and giving examples.

  20、……which of the following practices is most likely to (2分)

  正确答案:A. Doing a project

  21、……what has made students spread along an achievement (2分)

  正确答案:C. The early prerequisites student mastered.

  22、……what is the author's attitude (2分)

  正确答案:C. Negative.

  23、……which of the following is closed in (2分)

  正确答案:D. Dropped sharply.

  24、……which of the following ……of the schools (2分)

  正确答案:D. Students’perception and the reality of their performance on assessments.

  25、……which of the following will be ……according to the (2分)

  正确答案:A. Students’learning effort.

  26、……what does Kathleen Wermke's (2分)

  正确答案:B. Baby’s cries could be their early language acquisition.

  27、……"ambient" in paragraph 2 (2分)

  正确答案:A. surrounding

  28、……why do German and French babies (2分)

  正确答案:D. Because they can somehow control their sound production

  29、……when does language (2分)

  正确答案:B. It begins before the birth of a baby

  30、……what can be inferred from (2分)

  正确答案:C.Studying babies’ cries helps us understand their speech perception


  31、 ……mind mapping 含义(2分)用途(6分),三点注意事项(6分),用法(4分)

  正确答案:(1)思维导图是运用图文并重的技巧,把各级主题关系用相互隶属与相关的层级图表现出来。(2)思维导图的两个用途:① 帮助师生掌握正确有效的学习方法策略,更快更有效的进行课本知识的传授,促进教学的效率和质量的提高; ②建立系统完整的知识框架体系,对学习的课程进行有效的资源整合,使整个教学过程和流程设计更加的系统、科学有效。(3)教师在课堂教学中运用思维导图的三点注意事项:第一,转变教学观念。促进学生“全面而有个性的发展”是高中课程的根本理念。在教学中我们要尊重高中学生的人生历程发展需要,尊重高中学生的人格与尊严,尊重高中学生的个体差异和个性发展。思维导图教学,与传统教学相比,其优越性体现在教师的教育观、教学观与学生的学习观的改变方面。第二,知识结构的变化。在思维导图教学中,要引导学生提出问题、分析问题与解决问题,教师自身要有一个完善的知识结构,这样在面对新的问题时才能有的放矢,而不是用原有的知识体系和不同学科的范式来解释新的问题。第三、教学模式的转换。辩证地看待学与教的关系。学生、教师和教学内容是教学系统中的三个基本要素;学与教则是互为制约、互为促进的系统功能实现过程。学与教的关系,首先是互相独立的关系,其次才是彼此依存的关系。(4)案例:.在阅读篇幅长、生词多、文章结构和层次复杂或不太清晰的文章时,先由教师呈现思维导图,大概地介绍全文大意,帮助学生整体理解文章;然后,根据中心主题和主干提出问题,学生带着问题分部分、分层次阅读,突出重点,关注细节,加深理解;阅读后,可让学生在小组内进行分享和交流,此时教师在多媒体课件中利用思维导图呈现答案的关键词,帮助学生梳理知识点;最后,教师引导学生根据思维导图的提示复述课文内容。考虑到课堂时间有限,以及课文的长度和难度,教师可以鼓励学生选择自己感兴趣的部分进行复述或描述。